Based on the requests of many of our Going Deeper Together 1.0 participants, the 2.0 will build on the ERI model of maturity and provide participants a unique opportunity to go deeper into the process of looking, living, loving and sounding more like our Lord Jesus Christ. As we focus on scripture and church history, as well as utilize some of the insights of psychological research and interpersonal neurobiology (brain science) . . . we will continue to not just learn more about our God-given emotions, but how our feeling and thinking can work together to help us make increasingly healthier, life-giving and Christ-honoring choices. We’ll learn very practical ways to “take every thought captive” and how to “set our minds on things above” and keep them there . . . practical ways to manage the inner cacophony of the jumping monkeys running wild, and stay focused . . . to be still . . . to wait and listen . . . and how to go beyond doing stuff more FOR God and learning more ABOUT God, to the value of simply spending more time WITH God. We’ll also discuss and practice different kinds of prayer, experience the power of silence and solitude, how to discern the “whispers” of our Abba, and the unique perspective of contemplative spirituality. We’ll actually apply Jeremiah 6:16 where the Lord instructs us to: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. …”
“1.0 served as a significant introduction and foundation for understanding the connectedness between emotional and spiritual health, and the 2.0 took it to a whole new level . . . greater depth, breath and opportunities to practice what we learned." “Both the 1.0 and 2.0 intensives impressed on me how integrated our God-given abilities to think, feel and choose are and the value and absolute necessity of growing up and becoming mature in ALL aspects of the person God made me to be and become.”
“1.0 served as a significant introduction and foundation for understanding the connectedness between emotional and spiritual health, and the 2.0 took it to a whole new level . . . greater depth, breath and opportunities to practice what we learned." “Both the 1.0 and 2.0 intensives impressed on me how integrated our God-given abilities to think, feel and choose are and the value and absolute necessity of growing up and becoming mature in ALL aspects of the person God made me to be and become.”

Subiaco Abbey • Subiaco, AR
Growth - Focused
- Discover your unique sacred pathways and develop your own, Rule Of Life/Curriculum for Christ Likeness.
- Build a plan of healthy habits that lead to change and growth.
Heart - Nourishing
- Be refreshed in times of contemplation, reflection and fruitful solitude.
- Experience new ways of receiving and giving love from God, to God and to others.
Experientially Revitalizing
- Enjoy a safe space that offers opportunities to move outside your comfort zone.
- Refocus and renew through times of deep reverence.
Intellectually Stimulating, Insightful & Enlightening
- Learn about and how to apply the practical discoveries of interpersonal neurobiology.
- Increase your emotional & relational intelligence (ERI).
For several decades a major part of Dr. Oliver’s ministry has been to encourage a wide range of vocational & lay Christian leaders in part by providing programs, training & resources especially as relates to cultivating spiritual vitality, emotional maturity and healthy relationships. These unique intensives are a part of that commitment and mission.
This intensive will be held at Subiaco Abbey, a Benedictine community founded in 1878 and located in Central Arkansas. We will be staying in the Coury Guest House which is adjacent to the St. Benedict Church.
This intensive is primarily for church, parachurch and lay leaders active in ministry and committed to ongoing growth. This is not a couples retreat. Given the unique nature of the intensive experience there can only be 8 participants accepted per retreat.
The cost is being determined.

Gary J. Oliver, Th.M., Ph.D., is a university & seminary professor, spiritual director, clinical
psychologist and therapist. Gary is a graduate of Talbot Seminary (M.Div.) and Fuller
Seminary (Th.M.), & University of Nebraska-Lincoln (M.A., Ph.D.). He has authored over
20 books and over 350 popular and professional articles, and presents his Emotional &
Relational Intelligence (ERI) and Growth-Focused Marriage Enrichment seminars in
churches and corporate settings both nationally & internationally. Dr. Oliver is also a
Benedictine Oblate of Subiaco Abbey in Subiaco, Arkansas.