We serve a God who loves us and delights in blessing his people (Psalm 35:27) . . . who can do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think (Eph 3:20) . . . who wants to help us grow up into the measure and the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph 4:13) . . . and become conformed to the image (Image Dei) of his Son (Rom 8:29). And that takes time and involves choosing to become all of who God made us to be.
The process of growing, of becoming, of learning how to listen, live, look, love and sound more like Christ is just that . . . a process that involves more than merely learning more good stuff and doing more good stuff. It involves becoming more like Him in our mind, our emotions and will . . . our thinking, our feeling and our choosing. And this is what the Going Deeper Intensives are all about.
So what’s unique about the 3.0? Actually quite a bit. This time we’ll have both men and women. While there will be time for each group to meet separately, the main sessions will be jointly shared and this will provide opportunities for expanded perspectives and insights. Registration Limited For More Information BoB Ryan BRyan@goingdeeper.org Subiaco Abbey, Subiaco, AR Going Deeper Intensive 3.0 Location Subiaco Abbey, Subiaco, AR For several years many of those who experienced the 1.0 and 2.0 growth opportunities have asked for a “next step†. . . and finally . . . after a lot of prayer and conversation . . . here it is.
There will be time for more conversation . . . more questions . . . more discussion . . . and more practical application. We’ll start with a brief overview of the ERI model of Emotional & Relational Spirituality and voluntarily share the growth and challenges we’ve experienced in different aspects of that process.
Then we’ll introduce some expanded practices and some new topics . . . like Spiritual Friendship . . . Spirituality & Personality Types . . . several classic perspectives on the States of Spiritual Formation including the Wall or the Dark Night of the Soul . . . specific and practical steps to facilitate Discernment . . . expanded teaching and practices of different types of hearing, listening to and talking to God aka prayer . . . the power and practice of Wonder and Waiting . . . and even more time to be WITH Him and not just talking ABOUT Him.
If you’ve been to a 1.0 & 2.0 we’re inviting you to come and let your mind & emotions & spirit be immersed . . . drenched . . . in the goodness, grace, gentleness, humility and loving presence of the Lord in part thru one another, a sacred space and a sacred place. You’ll return home renewed with a refreshed mind and heart as well as an expanded toolbox of resources to encourage your continuing growth.
The process of growing, of becoming, of learning how to listen, live, look, love and sound more like Christ is just that . . . a process that involves more than merely learning more good stuff and doing more good stuff. It involves becoming more like Him in our mind, our emotions and will . . . our thinking, our feeling and our choosing. And this is what the Going Deeper Intensives are all about.
So what’s unique about the 3.0? Actually quite a bit. This time we’ll have both men and women. While there will be time for each group to meet separately, the main sessions will be jointly shared and this will provide opportunities for expanded perspectives and insights. Registration Limited For More Information BoB Ryan BRyan@goingdeeper.org Subiaco Abbey, Subiaco, AR Going Deeper Intensive 3.0 Location Subiaco Abbey, Subiaco, AR For several years many of those who experienced the 1.0 and 2.0 growth opportunities have asked for a “next step†. . . and finally . . . after a lot of prayer and conversation . . . here it is.
There will be time for more conversation . . . more questions . . . more discussion . . . and more practical application. We’ll start with a brief overview of the ERI model of Emotional & Relational Spirituality and voluntarily share the growth and challenges we’ve experienced in different aspects of that process.
Then we’ll introduce some expanded practices and some new topics . . . like Spiritual Friendship . . . Spirituality & Personality Types . . . several classic perspectives on the States of Spiritual Formation including the Wall or the Dark Night of the Soul . . . specific and practical steps to facilitate Discernment . . . expanded teaching and practices of different types of hearing, listening to and talking to God aka prayer . . . the power and practice of Wonder and Waiting . . . and even more time to be WITH Him and not just talking ABOUT Him.
If you’ve been to a 1.0 & 2.0 we’re inviting you to come and let your mind & emotions & spirit be immersed . . . drenched . . . in the goodness, grace, gentleness, humility and loving presence of the Lord in part thru one another, a sacred space and a sacred place. You’ll return home renewed with a refreshed mind and heart as well as an expanded toolbox of resources to encourage your continuing growth.

Subiaco Abbey • Subiaco, AR
Growth - Focused
- Discover your unique sacred pathways and develop your own, Rule Of Life/Curriculum for Christ Likeness.
- Build a plan of healthy habits that lead to change and growth.
Heart - Nourishing
- Be refreshed in times of contemplation, reflection and fruitful solitude.
- Experience new ways of receiving and giving love from God, to God and to others.
Experientially Revitalizing
- Enjoy a safe space that offers opportunities to move outside your comfort zone.
- Refocus and renew through times of deep reverence.
Intellectually Stimulating, Insightful & Enlightening
- Learn about and how to apply the practical discoveries of interpersonal neurobiology.
- Increase your emotional & relational intelligence (ERI).
For several decades a major part of Dr. Oliver’s ministry has been to encourage a wide range of vocational & lay Christian leaders in part by providing programs, training & resources especially as relates to cultivating spiritual vitality, emotional maturity and healthy relationships. These unique intensives are a part of that commitment and mission.
This intensive will be held at Subiaco Abbey, a Benedictine community founded in 1878 and located in Central Arkansas. We will be staying in the Coury Guest House which is adjacent to the St. Benedict Church.
This intensive is primarily for church, parachurch and lay leaders active in ministry and committed to ongoing growth. This is not a couples retreat. Given the unique nature of the intensive experience there can only be 8 participants accepted per retreat.
The cost is being determined.

Gary J. Oliver, Th.M., Ph.D., is a university & seminary professor, spiritual director, clinical
psychologist and therapist. Gary is a graduate of Talbot Seminary (M.Div.) and Fuller
Seminary (Th.M.), & University of Nebraska-Lincoln (M.A., Ph.D.). He has authored over
20 books and over 350 popular and professional articles, and presents his Emotional &
Relational Intelligence (ERI) and Growth-Focused Marriage Enrichment seminars in
churches and corporate settings both nationally & internationally. Dr. Oliver is also a
Benedictine Oblate of Subiaco Abbey in Subiaco, Arkansas.