Do you sense there is more? That God desires more for you? The He has new ways to 'delight' in blessing you? Recently Lifewas surveyed 1000 pastors. These pastors noted they needed help with consistency in personal prayer,reading the Bible, and practicing Sabbath. They are looking for help in developing friendships and finding fellowship with other pastors.They need help in dealing with loss, trusting God, and confession/ repentance of sin. How many ofthese needs will be addressed in 1.0 and 2.0? Almost all!
The Going Deeper Together intensive is a 4-day and 3-night of connecting with other believers. There will be teaching times, times of practice, sharing meals, group interaction, and solitude. The Going Deeper Intensive, givesyou an opportunity to discover new ways to experience God’s presence and His transforming love. In the process ofgrowing and becoming more like our Lord, this time investment will impact the quality and effectiveness of yourpersonal and professional life.
One participant described it this way, “I was in a big house and explored the rooms in the hallway in which I lived. After the intensive, I discovered other hallways that I had never been aware and which opened up a whole new world of intimacy with my Lord."
There will be opportunities to “Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)” . . . to identify some of the “sacred pathways” to knowing and enjoying our God. . . . experience what emotionally-healthy spirituality looks like and why it matters . . . how Ephesians 3:20-21 might apply to our lives . . . and how Spiritual Disciplines, Sacred Pathways or Holy Habits can enrich & deepen our times with the Lord.
This isn’t group therapy, but it will be therapeutic. This isn’t a class, but you’ll learn a lot. This isn’t a “spectator” event, you’ll be encouraged to share, but no one will be pressured to self-disclose. This isn’t a pep rally but you will leave emotionally, relationally & spiritually renewed,refreshed and refocused.
The Going Deeper Together intensive is a 4-day and 3-night of connecting with other believers. There will be teaching times, times of practice, sharing meals, group interaction, and solitude. The Going Deeper Intensive, givesyou an opportunity to discover new ways to experience God’s presence and His transforming love. In the process ofgrowing and becoming more like our Lord, this time investment will impact the quality and effectiveness of yourpersonal and professional life.
One participant described it this way, “I was in a big house and explored the rooms in the hallway in which I lived. After the intensive, I discovered other hallways that I had never been aware and which opened up a whole new world of intimacy with my Lord."
There will be opportunities to “Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)” . . . to identify some of the “sacred pathways” to knowing and enjoying our God. . . . experience what emotionally-healthy spirituality looks like and why it matters . . . how Ephesians 3:20-21 might apply to our lives . . . and how Spiritual Disciplines, Sacred Pathways or Holy Habits can enrich & deepen our times with the Lord.
This isn’t group therapy, but it will be therapeutic. This isn’t a class, but you’ll learn a lot. This isn’t a “spectator” event, you’ll be encouraged to share, but no one will be pressured to self-disclose. This isn’t a pep rally but you will leave emotionally, relationally & spiritually renewed,refreshed and refocused.

Subiaco Abbey • Subiaco, AR
Growth - Focused
- Discover your unique sacred pathways and develop your own, Rule Of Life/Curriculum for Christ Likeness.
- Build a plan of healthy habits that lead to change and growth.
Heart - Nourishing
- Be refreshed in times of contemplation, reflection and fruitful solitude.
- Experience new ways of receiving and giving love from God, to God and to others.
Experientially Revitalizing
- Enjoy a safe space that offers opportunities to move outside your comfort zone.
- Refocus and renew through times of deep reverence.
Intellectually Stimulating, Insightful & Enlightening
- Learn about and how to apply the practical discoveries of interpersonal neurobiology.
- Increase your emotional & relational intelligence (ERI).
For several decades a major part of Dr. Oliver’s ministry has been to encourage a wide range of vocational & lay Christian leaders in part by providing programs, training & resources especially as relates to cultivating spiritual vitality, emotional maturity and healthy relationships. These unique intensives are a part of that commitment and mission.
This intensive will be held at Subiaco Abbey, a Benedictine community founded in 1878 and located in Central Arkansas. We will be staying in the Coury Guest House which is adjacent to the St. Benedict Church.
This intensive is primarily for church, parachurch and lay leaders active in ministry and committed to ongoing growth. This is not a couples retreat. Given the unique nature of the intensive experience there can only be 8 participants accepted per retreat.
The cost is being determined.

Gary J. Oliver, Th.M., Ph.D., is a university & seminary professor, spiritual director, clinical
psychologist and therapist. Gary is a graduate of Talbot Seminary (M.Div.) and Fuller
Seminary (Th.M.), & University of Nebraska-Lincoln (M.A., Ph.D.). He has authored over
20 books and over 350 popular and professional articles, and presents his Emotional &
Relational Intelligence (ERI) and Growth-Focused Marriage Enrichment seminars in
churches and corporate settings both nationally & internationally. Dr. Oliver is also a
Benedictine Oblate of Subiaco Abbey in Subiaco, Arkansas.